Saturday, January 1, 2011

We All Can’t Be Oprah, But We Can Transition into a Life Changing Career

Oprah Winfrey
No, we all can’t be Oprah, we all can’t start our "OWN" cable network, or be honored at Kennedy Center, or even run a successful billion dollar conglomerate. But what we can do is honor our purpose, and honor the meaning in which we have been graced to serve on this earth, which is exactly what Oprah is doing. She is successfully carrying out her purpose. 

For a moment, don’t consider your job, but consider what would fulfill you. Consider what would add meaning not only to your life, but what could possibly alter someone else’s life down to the core of their being. What is it that you can do to demonstrate your gifts, talents, and the grace that you have been blessed with and share that with someone who could permanently have the rest of their life changed by your act of kindness? 

When we awaken to the reality that life could be so much more fulfilling through careers which focus on providing services to others, uplifting others and truly impacting someone else’s life, we will discover a new meaning to what the words a "fulfilling career" truly mean.  It’s a sense of freedom, and a new form of gratification that workaholics desire to experience. 

Until we can transition into the Oprah that we want to become or at least seek a new career which reflects our purpose, there is one suggestion that I would like you to keep in mind. When given the opportunity to share your talents and gifts in a service oriented position where you could make a difference in someone’s life and you can be completely fulfilled, would you accept the position even if you had to keep your old job to make ends meet? My suggestion would be you should strongly consider it.

Although managing your time may be challenging initially, when you consider volunteering or working a few extra hours at a position that would pay you little monetarily; please keep in mind, that the fulfillment of your spirit is priceless. Someone once told me long ago; when you do what you love, consider doing it for free. If you keep that mindset, then the riches will follow.

We are embarking on a new year; consider it a new beginning, a new chapter that is unfolding. A new opportunity to envision yourself as a guest host on one of the new shows featured on the OWN network. If given the chance to transition to a new career as one of Oprah’s new guest host in a service oriented career, what would you do? How would you lift someone to the next level? No, we all can’t be Oprah, but yes you can be the person who broke free from the mundane, recognized their purpose, and honored yourself in the process.


  1. Dr. Cris,
    You are right, not everyone can be Oprah. But every since you conducted my career evaluation, I now know that along with my passion, I am capable of sharing my skills and knowledge with others. I can produce content and video segments to help other creative entrepreneurs with confidence.

    Thank you for your support and although it is a stretch - One day I just might be a Oprah - but my way and on my own terms.

    Alease Michelle

  2. Dr. Cris,
    You and your blog are truly a breath of fresh air. YEA! Keep posting.

    Great message.

    Linda C. Thomas
